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Global mobile data based on 5+ years of historical persistence data.

Company Overview

Mobilewalla is a leader in consumer intelligence solutions, combining the industry’s most robust data set with deep artificial intelligence expertise to help organizations better understand, model and predict customer behavior. With rich insights into consumer behavior, our proprietary solutions help organizations get more out of their AI investments by making more informed business decisions and effectively acquiring, understanding and retaining their most valuable customers.

Mobilewalla has the most comprehensive repository of global consumer information. The breadth and depth of our data allows us to build a more accurate understanding of consumer behavior. Through our deep data science and AI expertise, Mobilewalla delivers insights that enable brands to better understand their customers and prospects to drive growth. Mobilewalla creates a comprehensive cross channel view of the customer tracking online and offline behavior and understand household relationships.

Data Collection Methodology

Mobilewalla acquires data from various third parties in the digital ecosystem including publishers, demand side platforms (DSP), data management platforms (DMP) and data aggregators. After aggregating the data from multiple sources, Mobilewalla applies data cleansing techniques, fraud detection measures and various methodologies, using a combination of deterministic, artificial intelligence, and machine learning techniques, to discard bad data and leave only highly accurate data which can be used to make predictions, create profiles or perform data analysis.

Through our deep expertise in data science and big data management we are able to efficiently store, cleanse and access 4 years of collected data with an extremely high level of accuracy, better detecting anomalies that shorter periods of data would not uncover. Access to this massive amount of persistent data increases the precision and recall of your models allowing you to better understand consumer behaviors and outcomes over time.

Types of Data Sets Available

Mobilewalla builds verified demographic, behavioral and custom audiences. Behavioral audiences include: passions, life styles, and shopping.